The Power of She: Unleashing the Potential of Women

Cover Story

Sonia Middha: An Exemplar Inspiring Individuals and Industries via the Crossdoor to Future

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where innovation and fresh perspectives are the currency of progress, Sonia Middha stands as a beacon of change. As the Founder and CEO of Crossdoor, Sonia has carved a path that transforms organisations and reshapes entire industries. With a decade of valuable experience, Sonia embarked on a journey to revolutionize every sector she touched. In 2015, Sonia breathed life

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Business Profiles

An Intellectual Property Empowerer – Shraddha Singh Chauhan: Your Patents’ Protector

An Intellectual Property Empowerer – Shraddha Singh Chauhan: Your Patents’ Protector

Companies in the technological field recognize Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as a strategic asset. They invest significantly in protecting their

Sunila Awasthi: Empowering Women in Law and Driving Positive Change Within the Legal Profession

Sunila Awasthi: Empowering Women in Law and Driving Positive Change Within the Legal Profession

In the dynamic world of law, women have long been trailblazers, breaking barriers and driving change in the pursuit of

Swati Bala: Challenging the Status Quo by Redefining the Meaning of Successful Women 

Swati Bala: Challenging the Status Quo by Redefining the Meaning of Successful Women 

In the world of corporate communications, where expertise and strategic acumen reign supreme, Swati Bala stands as a shining example of what

The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Honouring the Trailblazing Journey of Sowmya Moni 

The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Honouring the Trailblazing Journey of Sowmya Moni 

The idea of creating something different, crafting afresh and building our world of success is indeed an encouraging endeavour. With