Briskinfosec: Your Perfect Cybersecurity Friend as Partner


The globalized world has become an interconnected web powered by ever-advancing technologies. From smartphones to smart homes, the internet has revolutionized how we live, work, and communicate. Information flows freely across borders, facilitating international trade, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas. However, this interconnectedness comes at a cost.

This transformational era has ushered in a double-edged sword. While technology has brought us closer and made life more convenient, it has also opened doors for malicious actors. In today’s digital age, cyber threats lurk around every corner, preying on vulnerabilities and seeking to exploit weaknesses in our increasingly digital lives.

Our valuable data, the lifeblood of the digital age, is constantly at risk. Hackers can compromise financial information, personal records, and even our online identities, causing financial losses, reputational damage, and a sense of vulnerability. The omnipresence of cyber threats creates a constant state of unease, making it difficult to fully embrace the benefits of technology without a sense of security.

This is where robust cybersecurity solutions become paramount. Enter Briskinfosec Technology and Consulting Private Limited, a name synonymous with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions and unwavering client dedication. The firm is building a digital shield that protects our data, privacy, and online presence by implementing effective security measures.

Briskinfosec stands at the forefront of this fight, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to safeguard your digital world in an age where constant vigilance is essential.

Established by the Founder and DirectorArulselvar Thomas, with a vision to empower businesses and individuals with robust security measures, Briskinfosec has quickly become a leading force in the cybersecurity domain. Arulselvar says, “Our commitment to excellence and our client-centric approach has earned us the reputation of being the most trusted cybersecurity company, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to safeguard your digital world.”

Beyond the Firewall: A Holistic Approach to Security

Briskinfosec goes beyond simply installing firewalls and antivirus software. Arulselvar says he and his team understand the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats and take a holistic approach to security. Here’s what sets them apart:

Security Expertise: The team comprises highly skilled and certified professionals with extensive experience in cybersecurity best practices, penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and threat mitigation strategies.

Comprehensive Services: Briskinfosec offers a wide range of services, including application security testing, web application security audits, mobile application security audits, network security assessments, and information security consulting. This one-stop-shop approach ensures that all your security needs are addressed seamlessly.

Unwavering Client Focus: At Briskinfosec, the client is king. They take the time to understand your unique needs and vulnerabilities, tailoring their solutions to provide the most effective protection. Their transparent communication ensures that you’re always informed and involved in security.

Constant Innovation: The cybersecurity landscape constantly evolves, and Briskinfosec stays ahead. They continuously invest in research and development, leveraging the latest technologies and strategies to combat emerging threats.

A Tech Visionary with a Mission

Arulselvar boasts a distinguished career in cybersecurity spanning over five years.

His journey began as a cybersecurity specialist, honing his expertise at various companies like Dragon Labs, Sterling, Test and Verifications, and GSI Health. However, Arulselvar saw a critical gap in Chennai’s cybersecurity landscape. Large enterprises were well-served by established players, but there was a dearth of solutions catering specifically to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) needs.

Recognizing a Need, Seizing an Opportunity

This observation became the catalyst for Arulselvar’s next move. He recognized the biggest challenge: educating MSMEs about the importance of cybersecurity for their businesses and convincing them to invest in adequate protection. In 2017, cybersecurity was often undervalued, with some offering cursory assessments based on certifications and basic tools at rock-bottom prices.

Arulselvar saw the need for a different approach that prioritized comprehensive solutions and a deeper understanding of MSME needs.

Driven by a Vision, Fuelled by a Mission

This realization spurred Arulselvar to establish Briskinfosec, a company built on a clear vision and a determined mission:

The Vision:

Briskinfosec aspires to be the global standard for cybersecurity trust and assurance. He says they achieve this by crafting “precise, sustainable offensive cybersecurity solutions” tailored to organizations of all sizes. “Our commitment extends beyond solutions; we pledge to deliver exceptional experiences and unwavering support to every client.”

The Mission:

Briskinfosec’s mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge, future-proof cybersecurity solutions. “We believe that growth and robust cybersecurity can coexist, fostering an environment where businesses can thrive without fear.” By “arming businesses” with dynamic security measures, Briskinfosec aims to create a landscape where growth and cyber resilience go hand in hand.

Briskinfosec: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Cybersecurity

Arulselvar elaborates on Briskinfosec’s comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services designed to address the unique needs of various organizations:

Cybersecurity as a Service (CaaS):  Don’t be burdened by building your security infrastructure. Briskinfosec’s CaaS offering leverages its expert team and cutting-edge technology to proactively safeguard your digital assets. “Our strategies adapt to evolving threats, ensuring your business remains protected.”

Tailored Cybersecurity Solutions:  A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in cybersecurity. Briskinfosec provides customized strategies and technologies designed to effectively address your organisation’s vulnerabilities. This empowers you to navigate the ever-changing threat landscape with confidence.

Ensuring Compliance: Navigating the complex world of cybersecurity regulations can be daunting. Briskinfosec simplifies the process by offering comprehensive solutions that ensure compliance with industry standards. This protects your digital assets while giving you peace of mind.

MSSP Expertise: Briskinfosec’s CaaS leverages the power of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs). This translates to comprehensive protection and around-the-clock support for your systems, ensuring they remain fortified against ever-present threats and vulnerabilities.

Briskinfosec’s Recipe for Success: People, Processes, and Sustainability

Arulselvar sheds light on Briskinfosec’s core principles that guide their approach to people, processes, and achieving long-term success in cybersecurity:

Focus on Sustainable Solutions: Briskinfosec prioritizes crafting robust and sustainable cybersecurity services and solutions. The team understand that short-term fixes aren’t enough in the ever-evolving threat landscape. Their focus lies on providing long-term benefits to their clients.

Sustainability in Action: Arulselvar acknowledges that achieving true cybersecurity sustainability requires deeply understanding each client’s challenges and vulnerabilities. Briskinfosec’s team meticulously analyzes the “scope/gap” of cybersecurity problems before crafting strategic, long-lasting solutions.

Overcoming Challenges, Embracing Growth: Challenges are inevitable in any business, and cybersecurity is no exception. However, Arulselvar highlights Briskinfosec’s success in navigating these roadblocks since their inception.

Core Values: The Pillars of Success

Arulselvar attributes Briskinfosec’s ability to thrive amidst adversity to a strong foundation built on five core values:

  • Patience in Educating Customers:They recognize the importance of client education and are committed to patiently guiding customers towards a deeper understanding of cybersecurity needs.
  • Continuous Quality Improvement:Briskinfosec’s relentless pursuit of quality improvement ensures that its services remain at the forefront of the cybersecurity domain.
  • Customer Focus Through Lura Portal:Enhancing the customer experience is a priority. The Lura Portal exemplifies this commitment, providing a seamless client interaction and support platform.
  • Building Trust and Collaboration: Briskinfosec fosters a friendly and trustworthy environment for clients and partners, fostering strong relationships essential for long-term success.
  • Investing in People: Retaining skilled employees is key. Briskinfosec’s commitment to team development and a positive work environment ensures long-standing employee relationships, leading to a strong and stable team.

Briskinfosec’s Innovation Engine: BINT LAB

Briskinfosec’s commitment to sustainable cybersecurity solutions extends beyond its client services. Fuelling their innovation is BINT LAB (Brisk Intelligence Laboratory), their very own Center of Excellence (CoE) dedicated to cybersecurity research.

Guiding Tomorrow’s Security Landscape: BINT LAB isn’t just about securing today’s systems. Their forward-thinking approach focuses on researching and developing solutions to safeguard the technologies of tomorrow.

Briskinfosec’s unique capabilities and drive for excellence motivate its research efforts in various cutting-edge cybersecurity domains.

A Team of Experts: BINT LAB brings together a powerful team of in-house cybersecurity professionals, passionate volunteers, and external security researchers. This combined expertise fosters a unique environment where knowledge and experience converge to create groundbreaking solutions.

The team is further bolstered by the “cult knowledge” of some of the most talented cybersecurity professionals, which adds an invaluable layer of insight to their research endeavours.

A Resource Powerhouse: BINT LAB understands the importance of knowledge sharing. They’ve meticulously curated many resources, including informative blogs, insightful whitepapers, and industry-leading security assessment tools. This treasure trove empowers Briskinfosec to manage existing challenges and create intelligent and sustainable cybersecurity solutions for the future.

A Legacy of Achievements:

BINT LAB’s dedication has garnered them well-deserved recognition. Their achievements include:

  • Earning a place in the ‘Indian Book of Records’ for a significant cybersecurity initiative.
  • Developing the ANSE (Advanced Nmap Scripting Engine) scanner, a valuable tool for network security assessments.
  • Creating and publishing the NCDRC’s MAST (National Cyber Defence Research Center Mobile App Security Test) frameworks, significantly impacting mobile application security.
  • Actively participating in Bug Bounty programs and Hall of Fame events, showcasing their exceptional skills and contributing to the wider cybersecurity community.

BINT LAB serves as a testament to Briskinfosec’s unwavering commitment to innovation and its dedication to shaping a more secure digital future. By continuously pushing the boundaries of cybersecurity knowledge, BINT LAB empowers Briskinfosec to deliver best-in-class solutions to their clients.

Building a Secure Future: Briskinfosec’s Impact

Briskinfosec’s dedication to excellence has resulted in a positive impact on countless businesses and individuals. They have:

Empowered Businesses:

Briskinfosec empowers businesses to operate confidently by providing robust security solutions. Knowing their data and systems are safeguarded allows them to focus on core operations and growth without the constant fear of cyberattacks.

Educated Individuals:  Briskinfosec understands the importance of cybersecurity awareness. They offer valuable resources and training programs to educate individuals on best practices for staying safe online.

Shaped the Industry:

Through its commitment to innovation and collaboration, Briskinfosec is actively shaping the future of the cybersecurity industry. Its contributions raise the bar for excellence, promoting a more secure digital environment for everyone.

Briskinfosec: A Foundation of Excellence

Arulselvar emphasizes the three core values that form the bedrock of Briskinfosec’s success: Commitment, Trust, and Quality. These principles are further bolstered by a robust foundation built on strong Processes, Systems, and Structures. This unwavering commitment to quality ensures exceptional service delivery for their esteemed clientele, including Kaartech, ACT Fibernet, SHAI Insurance, Digitral, and Bright Money.

A Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Briskinfosec isn’t content with simply maintaining quality; it strives for continual improvement. Their philosophy ensures that “the team can change, but a minimum of 1% should improve quality and delivery.” This relentless pursuit of excellence permeates every aspect of their organization.

Investing in People: A Future-proof Workforce

At Briskinfosec, employee development takes centre stage. They employ a multifaceted strategy to ensure their team remains at the forefront of cybersecurity knowledge and trends. This includes:

BINT Lab:  Their research-focused lab provides a stimulating environment for team members to explore the latest advancements and experiment with cutting-edge solutions.

Funding Certifications:

Financial support for certifications from esteemed organizations like Offsec, ISACA, and (ISC)² equips their team with the most relevant industry-recognized skills.

Continuous Learning:

Regular internal workshops, training sessions, and industry conference participation foster a perpetual learning culture. This ensures that their workforce is agile and adaptable in the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.

LURA Portal: Adapting to Evolving Needs

Briskinfosec understands that cybersecurity regulations and solutions are constantly evolving. Their LURA Security Simplified Portal reflects this commitment by undergoing regular upgrades to incorporate new compliance requirements and solutions, ensuring their services remain relevant and effective.

Embracing Feedback and Progress: Arulselvar acknowledges achieving 100% positive feedback is unrealistic. He emphasizes the importance of understanding feedback and implementing necessary changes in Briskinfosec’s “PSS actions.” Transparency is key; keeping clients informed about the changes based on feedback ensures continuous improvement.

Leading with Patience and Progress: 

Arulselvar’s leadership philosophy is based on patience and a realistic approach. He recognizes that perfection is an illusion and champions continuous progress. This philosophy ensures that Briskinfosec remains adaptable and constantly strives to improve as a company and an industry leader.

Looking Ahead: A Continued Commitment to Excellence

Briskinfosec doesn’t rest on its laurels. The team is constantly looking for ways to improve and expand their offerings. Their vision for the future includes:

Expanding Services:

Briskinfosec is committed to staying at the forefront of cybersecurity advancements. They plan to introduce new services and solutions to address the ever-growing needs of their clients in the face of evolving threats.

Advocacy for Security:

Briskinfosec is passionate about promoting cybersecurity awareness. They plan to continue their educational initiatives and collaborate with industry leaders to advocate for robust security practices across all sectors.

Global Reach: While currently focused on the Indian market, Briskinfosec has ambitions to expand its reach globally. Their expertise and dedication to excellence position them well to become a trusted cybersecurity partner worldwide.

Global Expansion on the Horizon: Arulselvar outlines Briskinfosec’s ambitious growth plans for the current financial year. The company is poised to establish official operations in both the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the United States of America (USA) and expects to reach a workforce of 100 employees. This significant expansion reflects Briskinfosec’s commitment to serving a global clientele and solidifying its position as a leading cybersecurity provider.

Thus, by choosing Briskinfosec as your cybersecurity partner, you’re not just securing your data but partnering with a company dedicated to building a safer digital future for everyone. Their unwavering commitment to excellence and client-centric approach makes Briskinfosec the most trusted name in cybersecurity.